About us

It takes all types to do what we do

Here at NHS Blood and Transplant, we help people do something extraordinary by donating blood, organs, tissues, or stem cells to people in need.

Thanks to our diverse 6,400-strong workforce, we deliver the best possible service to patients, donors and the NHS.

Our people play a vital part in helping us do it, making the most out of every donation to save and improve lives across the country. Few organisations have the ability to reach so many.

A nurse with a plasma donor

Our work

We’re a unique part of the NHS, brought together by one shared purpose that flows across every part of our organisation – that every person, in every role, does life-changing work.

We’re dedicated to saving and improving lives by helping blood, tissues and solid organs get safely to the people who need them in hospitals across the UK.

From managing donations and researching new treatments, to supporting grieving families through the donation process, we make a difference to the lives of those around us.

It’s a place where every role matters, and every type counts.

Our roles

The donations we rely on come from volunteers from all walks of life. And, just like those volunteers, our people come from every walk of life, too.

Our teams are made up of all types of people: nurses, scientists and healthcare assistants, as well as specialists across technology, logistics and more.

No matter the role, we all work towards the same goal of saving and improving lives.

A scientist at work in a lab

Our values

Our three core values are what set us apart. They guide and inspire everything we do.

By being caring, expertly meeting the needs of our patients and our people, and accepting nothing less than the best quality, we can do extraordinary work – and help our people to do something extraordinary in their career, too.


We care about donors and their families, our patients and our people.


We’re experts at supporting the people who use our service, and the people who work here.


We make sure we provide quality products, services and experiences for donors, patients and colleagues.

What we deliver

Every year, we deliver:

  • 1.4 million units of red cells, 256,000 units of platelets and 217,000 plasma components for transfusion to 260 hospitals
  • 5,000 life-saving organs to 29 UK Transplant Centres
  • 5,500 human tissue products and 3,700 corneas for transplant
  • 12,000 Apheresis procedures to around 2,500 patients
  • over 1,800 life-saving stem cell transplants and 5 GMP clinical trials

In addition:

  • over 180,000 litres of plasma for medicines will be collected in 2024/25, growing to 240,000 litres in 2025/26
  • we support more than 150,000 patients a year with specialist diagnostics and clinical advice
  • each year, we type 45,000 donors to help us find the right match for patients in need of a transfusion, organ transplant or stem cell transplant

Source: NHSBT strategy (this link will open in a new window)

Discover more about us

Find out more about our strategy and history on the NHSBT website.


Our ambition is to build a world where every patient has the donation they need. Our strategy sets out how we’re going to get there.


Blood and organ donation saves and improves thousands of lives every year. Find out how it all began.

  • "I’m lucky to work with an amazing group of dedicated and hard-working staff."
    Paula’s story
  • "It’s a very unique job, nothing like any other job I’ve ever had, but every day I’m so proud to do it."
    Shalom’s story
  • "Each day brings fresh challenges, making it an immensely rewarding environment to work in."
    Matthew’s story

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